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  1. 净零工业法案原文?



HR 1512


1st Session

H. R. 1512

To establish a Net Zero Program, to support the development of next generation technologies to improve energy efficiency, reduce waste, and reduce emissions, to create a clean energy workforce, to protect and promote the resilience of the United States economy and communities, and for other purposes.


March 2, 2021

Ms. CASTOR of Florida (for herself, Ms. DINGELL, and Ms. BARRAGAN) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned


To establish a Net Zero Program, to support the development of next generation technologies to improve energy efficiency, reduce waste, and reduce emissions, to create a clean energy workforce, to protect and promote the resilience of the United States economy and communities, and for other purposes.


This Act may be cited as the `Net Zero Act of 2021#39;.


In this Act:

(1) APPROPRIATE COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS- The term `appropriate committees of Congress#39; means--

(A) the Committee on Energy and Commerce and the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology of the House of Representatives; and

(B) the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate.

(2) DIRECTOR- The term `Director#39; means the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy.

(3) NET ZERO TARGET- The term `Net Zero Target#39; means a goal to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, or an earlier date as determined by the Director, for--

(A) the United States economy as a whole;

(B) the electric power sector;

(C) the transportation sector;

(D) the industrial sector;

(E) the commercial and residential sectors; and

(F) any other sector as determined by the Director.

(4) PROGRAM- The term `Program#39; means the Net Zero Program established under section 3.


(a) Establishment- The Director, in consultation with the appropriate committees of Congress, shall establish a comprehensive research, development, demonstration, and deployment program (in this section referred to as the `Program#39;) to achieve the Net Zero Target, which shall include--

(1) research and development of advanced technologies that improve energy efficiency, reduce waste, and reduce emissions, including through--

(A) the development of low-emissions and zero-emissions technologies, including technologies that utilize clean energy resources, such as renewable energy and nuclear energy;

(B) the development of advanced materials, including materials for energy storage, building construction, and transportation;

(C) the development of advanced manufacturing processes that reduce waste and emissions, including processes that utilize circular economy principles; and

(D) the development of advanced technologies for the capture, utilization, and storage of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases;

(2) demonstration and deployment of advanced technologies developed under paragraph (1), including through--

(A) the deployment of advanced energy technologies, including renewable energy, nuclear energy, and energy storage, in homes, businesses, and transportation systems;

(B) the deployment of advanced manufacturing processes that reduce waste and emissions,


1. 确定目标:净零排放。制定一个明确的时间表,将净零排放的目标设定为2030年或更早。

2. 规定目标:建设净零排放工业。通过鼓励使用可再生能源、提高能源效率和促进碳捕捉和储存等措施,实现净零排放的目标。

3. 建立政府监管机构:建立国家和地方政府监管机构,对净零排放和可再生能源的实施进行监督和评估。

4. 提高能源效率:制定和实施政策,以鼓励企业增加能源效率,优化生产流程,降低能源消耗和排放量。

5. 促进碳捕捉和储存技术的研究和发展:发展和推广碳捕捉和储存技术,以减少碳排放。

6. 鼓励使用可再生能源:鼓励企业使用太阳能、风能、水能等可再生能源,减少对化石燃料的依赖。

7. 建立国际合作机制:加强国际合作,与其他国家共同应对气候变化和减少碳排放。

